Kees Sinclair Kramer

Well exciting news in the Kramer family. My newest little nephew just arrived. His name is Kees (pronounced Case) Sinclair Kramer was born today in the Netherlands. My in-laws were on their way over and Julie's due date wasn't till Sunday although that's just a day. I have posted Steve's discribing the big day. It was quit the story :)

He has arrived! Kees Sinclair Kramer is here! It has been a WILD day filled with unbelievable joy and surprise.The day started with Julie dropping me off at the train station in Groningen to pick up my parents at the Amsterdam airport (2.5 hours away). Julie was feeling pretty good and not at all concerned since she the due date was still 2 days away. My plan was to go down, grab my parents, and immediately come back. 11 am, Julie called and said she had started experiencing contractions and had called her midwife. By this time, I had made it to my parents and we were headed right back by train. I went to buy our tickets and when I was in the middle of the purchase, Julie called again and all I could hear was the high-pitched shrill of a newborn! I think I went into shock because I walked away from the counter without grabbing the train tickets.Now if you can believe this...Julie said Kees' head was poking out before the midwife came! She went to the couch and the midwife delivered the baby right then and there in our living room. The total labor was about 30 minutes and 2 pushes! The midwife said she has never seen a delivery go that fast. Of course, we are still all in shock but Kees is our little guy and we are SO Blessed! He weighs 6 pounds, 13 ounces.

This is now baby number 7 for my in-laws. I started this post after my other sister-in-law Coral had her little son in September Titus Benjamin Ford so I will find some pictures and post them of him too. He joined big sister Katelyn.


Weekend Fun


Bailey's first Duck game