Long Time

It seems that sometimes I post everyweek if not more and than I have a dry spell and it's weeks. May is a crazy month for my family. We have birthdays after birthdays to celebrate plus throw Mother's Day and baby showers in the mix and it seems that every weekend is booked up and even weeknights are crazy. To top off the crazy month Dennis and I have been working at the house we will be moving in mid-end June. Dennis goes to the house way more than me but if I'm able to get away from the girls than I will accompany him and try to work on a project to get the house move in ready. We will be posting some before and after pictures. I think everyone will be amazed at how much different it's going to look. We are very excited because once we get in we will get to start working on the outside which is in desperate need for love.

It happened...Bailey turned 1 on May 12th. So amazing to think she is already a year old. She has been a busy lady from the moment I found out I was pregnant with her. I was sick from about noon till 4:30a.m. Every day till about week 14. Raw meat made me feel even sicker. My placenta wasn't in the front like it was with Brooklyn so I felt and saw her kicks all the time. Once she came out she was eager to get on the move. Sitting up by 4 months, crawling by 6, first steps at 8 and off walking by 9 months. She now can sign, "Thank You, Please, More, All Done" She can blow kisses, wave and clap. She loves to get into everything especially whats not her's. Bailey enjoys giving hugs although sometimes her cousin's aren't up for it. Brooklyn is always up for a hug from her sister. It's so cute watching the two of them play together. How careful Brooklyn is with helping her. When Bailey takes a fall Brooklyn usually is right there to say, "You okay Bailey?" and help her up. "I love my sister" is a common thing to hear from Brooklyn. We are very excited to see the two grow up as best friends. Adding another to our family is so wonderful. To see God's miracle in blessing us with 2 beautiful girls is mind blowing. We can't wait to meet our 3rd little one and begin raising her/him in God's glory.

Here are some pictures of our not so much baby girl anymore plus some random other one's.



