Brooklyn is 5!!!

Amazing to think Dennis and I now have a five year old. Five years ago we welcomed into this world our first born. Five years ago and 9 months we fell in love with our girl. The moment we knew God had blessed us with a child, a little human life, a miracle baby we were amazed. The whole creation of a baby is breath taking. As much as man wants to play god, there is no doubt that the creation of life is by far the most astonishing, phenomenal creation ever.

Brooklyn Rose entered the world November 21st. What a beautiful and perfect gift from God. We were blessed to see God work a miracle in her. To heal her while still in the womb. To be holding our child that once was said to be different. To be abnormal. Yes, to us our child will be different. She will be abnormal. Not in the way the doctor told us, but in the way God has laid on our heart to raise her.

Showing our children the truth about our Savior is high priority. In our everyday actions and words are starters, but to show them what the bible says. To teach them not only scripture but how to study the Bible. Understanding doctrine. Understanding explisive statements and not reading scripture for the way we as humans want to read it. Not putting God in a box.

The excitement we have with molding our children in the way the Lord has see we have three beautiful children. I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for the ministry and work in Dennis and I. I'm excited to know we are already doing a part of His plan, by the way we are bringing up our children.

" Start Children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Brooklyn, what a miracle from God you are to us. You are so loving and caring. What a compassionate heart you have. To see you give up for others. Sacrifice the things you love. You may only be five, but we clearly see God working in you. His light shines through you and He has given you eternal life. What an honor to have been hand picked by God to direct and raise you for His glory. Happy Birthday to our sweet and not so little baby girl! :) We love you.




Mr. Beckham is 1