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The slight tingle in the crisp air moved my body even closer to his. My head rested upon his chest and his arms engulfed my body. His smell was so distinct in a way you wish you could savor it forever and not just for the moment. His touch was like no other. The way he didn't hide smelling my hair. The way he talked to me as if at all times no one else was around. His focus, his smile, his love, stronger than I could have ever imagined. God brought him and I together. God gave us each other. God placed in our hearts the connection it takes for two people to feel as if two bodies are but one soul. My husband, a gift from our Creator.

We laid in silence under the great tree that covered us. Taking in our dream that had become reality.

I thought it would be fun to share some images of the dream Dennis and I have through different blog posts this month. To start off in the picture above if that white house could be taken out then the picture would be perfect. We both have a goal and a vision. We include our children in our vision. We are now including you to see a glimpse of our vision.

Our vision is to have a barn house on lots of property. It's purpose, to be able to minister to missions, to our church, to our friends and family easier. To have open doors.

You now have a piece of our vision! Someday the vision will be complete.