Vision: Part 2

Do you every have a vision or a goal in life you are determined to successfully complete? Do you include others in your vision? Do you plan and plot out how to reach that goal?

Dennis and I constantly are talking and discussing goals and plans we have. We spend hours at night just dreaming about our future. We spend hours talking about the direction God is leading us in. We have goals and dreams but we also allow for God's direction and change. We see the importance of planning. The excitement of knowing you are getting closer and closer. What I think is so important though is not getting disappointed in speed bumps, detours or even directional changes. Dennis and I are in this moment together and together with our eyes focused on God He will get us beyond our goals. This I think is what's so awesome. We have these dreams and I'm sure a lot of them will turn into reality, but along the way God will bring new dreams and new realities into our lives that are far beyond what we could imagine. They may be great at sometimes, and then they may be sad at others. Those sad times and the great times will only bring us closer to our Savior. His purpose in our lives will be fulfilled.

 "The LORD makes firm the steps

   of the one who delights in him; 

 though he may stumble, he will not fall,

   for the LORD upholds him with his hand."

Psalms 37:23-24

In a few years one of our dreams is our property and barn house. I have such a peace about this dream. I have a peace that when the timing is right God will provide. He knows our plans for the property. Along with our hearts desire for the property.  What's so comforting to know is while we are in the process of dreaming, planning, and working towards one of our goals. God at any moment may decide to change these plans and we are okay with that. We feel God is directing us in this direction, but have the heart to except a change if God shows us other plans. We don't feel like the time we are putting into this vision will every be a waste if God were to direct us down another road. Their is a purpose right now no matter what. I love living in God's design purpose for us. We may not have all the details or understand at times, but to know God's designing it and to know he's all Sovereign. What a peace. What a joy. What a desire to share Him with others.


Legacy Letters: Promise


Sunrise Sundays!!!