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I'm still in shock that it's February 1st! wasn't it just January 1st yesterday? Or wasn't it February 13th, 2000 just yesterday?

Ah......February 13th, 2000 was exactly 2 months from the first day Dennis asked me to be his girlfriend. No worries I will make sure at some point this year I blog about that day. So are you wondering what was so important about the 13th? it wasn't Valentines day! so what was so significant about that day?

A particular gift was given to Dennis on the 13th for Valentine's. We thought it would be neat to share that gift with you guys now that almost 11 years have gone by. The gift was a journal. A journal of our thoughts from each other. What's really cool is we journaled to each other for almost 2 years. I highly recommend this to couples but I also warn you that it really is a very intimate thing. I feel that couples who are in more of a courtship relationship are more equipped for this.  Now, when I look back I'm amazed we were only 16 & 17 at the time the journal started. Very young, but also I feel mature and confident in what God had in our path. When journaling you really are letting someone inside your heart. A piece of your heart becomes a part of their heart.  I want to encourage my kids as they get older to seek courting rather than just dating. Dennis and I never had serious relationships before each other. We are so thankful God blessed us and protected our hearts.

 I'll start out with writing to you what I wrote as directions on the inside cover page.  I explain what the journal is for.

"This is a journal of our thoughts together as a couple, as best friends, and united through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Together, we both can work through this journal filling it up with words and thoughts that come from the heart. Take your time and enjoy seeing the Power of God working in our lives. Great things come through trusting in Him."

I remember that night we went to Olive Garden. We had a lovely dinner and then went back to my parents. When we pulled up to the house that's when I gave him my present. What's amazing is God had started working in our lives way before this journal but He brought us together and used the journal as one way to even draw us closer to Him. On each page of the journal their is also a scripture verse. It's amazing how the verses spoke to us quiet often. When we would be done writing we would see the verse and how it was along the same line as what we were writing. Isn't God great!!!

I wrote the first entry when I had given it to Dennis so I'll leave you with what I wrote. Check back later this week to read Dennis' first entry! :)


Well, this is our first entry. It's 11:42 p.m. Thursday night and I'm thinking of you so I decided to write it down.  I first want to start out by saying you mean so much to me.  When I was on the bus today I was listening to "SonicFlood" when it reached song #8 "Carried Away" the words just meant so much. One of the verse reads, "How could I begin to make it if all I had was me. Just take me as I am, Lord and sweep me out to sea..."

It was so awesome to realize that we couldn't make it without God.  Without Him there is really no reason to live.  The very last verse also was cool.  It says, "Some say you're far away but I know you're here with me. I could go anywhere and still you'd be there with me.  I know you're here with me." Then the choirs goes, " I wanna get carried away, I wanna be tossed by your waves, I don't care where or how deep I'm going to jump in with both feet. I wanna get carried away. I wanna get lost in your ways. I wanna be held by your truth I wanna behold all of you. Im gonna be all yours today. I wanna get carried away."

Those words mean so much. God is alway's there for us. We could go anywhere and He would still be there. God is so powerful and so awesome.  I thank God so much for you .  I love you lots and I know God is working through us.  You are my best friend.  Thanks for caring for me and loving me. 

"Where can I go from your Spirit? 

   Where can I flee from your presence? 

 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;

   if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 

 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

   if I settle on the far side of the sea, 

 even there your hand will guide me,

   your right hand will hold me fast. 

 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me

   and the light become night around me,” 

 even the darkness will not be dark to you;

   the night will shine like the day,

   for darkness is as light to you." 

Psalm 139: 7-12

Love lots - Candice