Sunrise Sunday!!!

Every night during our attempt of a routine bedtime schedule (on the few nights we are actually home all night) Brooklyn always asks the same question, " Mom! what our the plans for tomorrow, starting from when I wake up?" I then proceed to tell her she will wake up and is allowed to watch a couple cartoons. While watching her cartoons I deliver chocolate milk to the girls and regular milk to Beckham who is un aware of what he is missing out on at the moment. After awhile I then explain the daily schedule and hope she is satisfied with the result of our day to come. She really likes activities. So if it's a day spend just at home I usually try to throw in, "But mommy has a craft planned or will come up with a fun craft idea."

This week we were sorta back on a regular schedule. However, on Monday a friend from our church had invited me to join her at another church for their indoor park play time. The kids loved it. I did hear one comment from Brooklyn asking why there weren't many older toys to play with. That's the first time I've ever heard her make a comment about toys. She did bring her rollerblades and I'm sure if we go again she will enjoy the practice with such a larger facility then our home.

The lady who invited me has a little boy just slightly younger than Bailey. His name is Joshua and this sweet little boy is such a joy to be around. His smiles crack me up (as you will see below). He is so inquisitive, and has such a big heart. His parents are doing a wonderful job raising this little man up in the Lord. The mom is pregnant again and again a blessing to see this couple receive such a gift from God.

Beckham has figured out how to get out of his playpen. We have it next to our bed and I actually now push it closer so that he can just crawl right onto the bed and then he doesn't fall off. He still goes down pretty well, but the other day I laid him down in his bed and went back in later to find him fast asleep on Dennis' pillow. I thought it was pretty cute and surprised that he didn't just take advantage of getting out of bed and wonder outside the room. We might be needing to get him in a little big boy bed soon. :)

Well... rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Had our usual schedule and a couple low key evening which are always nice. Did have a date night and a night without the kids. Always nice for Dennis and I because I think a marriage needs times that we can just focus on each other, but how I miss our kids. We did however, get to visit one of my favorite stories that we discovered while in NYC last February. The store finally came to the Washington Square mall and I loved it!!! I think my favorite was getting Beckham some new clothes. Totally fell in love with the suspenders. I think I was born in the wrong era, but at least styles right now are a mix from all era's and I just couldn't resist! What a handsome little man.

Saturday we got to enjoy watching two of our Nephews play some B-Ball!!! When then also all went out for pizza for our Brother-in-Law's birthday. Happy Birthday Andy!!!!

I'll end the blog with sharing a video I made that will be shown during church this Sunday and then again in March. I have been asked to join the Women's Ministry Team at church and feel honored they thought of me along with another lady as well to join the team. It will be great to work with these women who have been in this position at our church for sometime and am excited to learn from them in ways I can contribute my talents and gifts God has blessed me with. 

Happy Sunrise Sunday!!!!

Follow the link below. If I play it on my blog it cuts off some of the video!


Puzzle Piece


Love for the Truth