Sweet Sister!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who

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have been called according to his purpose."

Romans 8:28

Over and over again today God gave me this verse. He brought me to this verse because He Created me. He Created me to question and to seek answers. But He also Created the Universe, and every living thing that makes up the Universe. Even down to every tiny microscopic particle that make up me!

Yup, that's my Best Friend. My Father, and my Savior. 

Questioning God is apart of His design. He created us to question which thus turns around to us drawing closer to God. Realizing that we don't always get answers. Realizing that we ultimately have to give over everything to our Savior and trust and have faith that He will provide and that

He does all things for a reason. 

I know my sister! I know she is beyond happy that God choose her body and her husband's support too help this other family in bringing life into this world. My sister strives to honor God in all she does! Today she got to deliver two precious miracles from God into this world. More than anything I know she is overjoyed with getting to be apart of this birthday celebration!!!

I cried today knowing she almost lost her life and unexpectedly lost a little part of her. I have but a slight second of knowing what that feels like without the lost part. The thing I have comfort in is that I know she knows and has strength in is what God's scripture says. God works His hand in everything and  His hand was with her today. Being His child a peace like non other surpasses and comforts us. 

Isaiah 45 was preached this weekend and my dad's class on "God's Attributes" Sovereignty was the attribute that was spoken about.  Not for one moment was that by chance the two were taught the same weekend and neither compared notes. Nothing is by chance. My dear sister with loosing a part of her while giving such a blessing to a family I know she doesn't for one moment not know that God has a reason! She was part of God's plan in this all and I being only human question, "why God?" "why have her go through loosing a little part of her?" but God's hand touches us with a peace. I know God's touching my sister with a peace. Her husband with a peace. and our family with a peace. 

We don't know our last hour. We don't have the full puzzle. But my sister and our family we have the Lord, the Creator, the Jehovah God as our Savior! He has given us His Scripture and He is beyond even me trying to describe His Sovereignty of a God. 

My sister said tonight in her soft weak voice,

"I can feel the prayers!"

Tiffany I want you to know you are loved so much. You are such an amazing woman! You were hand picked to be my sister and I am beyond blessed. I will be by your side during this recovery. In prayer and anyway you need. I know this wasn't your plan for an after delivery sendoff! But I do know you and I know God is in control. Without knowing this everyday ups and downs would only have chance to be given credit for, and again chance  is nothing and our Savior God is everything. It wasn't by chance you stepped up to the plate on helping bless this family, and it wasn't by chance you now lost a little part of you. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who

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have been called according to his purpose." 

Romans 8:28

When you get feeling better we are going to celebrate the two lives you helped enter this world because I know this is what you want! My heart aches for your loss, but rejoices in your heart for the Lord! 

Love you with all our heart! Rest and know God's hand is holding yours. 

Love y

our sister and sister in Christ,


*****turn music off at the bottom of the page before playing this video******

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AQ0Dv7kzoA]




Sunrise Sunday!!!