"Miracle Girl"

Doctors and nurses call her, "Miracle Girl!" "we want to see this, Miracle Girl!" they say. Tears still surface when my mind thinks back to all the events. This nightmare we have lived in for the past 3 weeks. The reality and possibility of God bringing home His child. Our faith would still stand, but God blessed us with a Miracle. 

Bitterness could be present. Hopelessness could stand. Anger, anger and more anger could cloud our mind, but instead peace, love and compassion is just a start of how we feel.

My mind keeps wondering back to human error that took place when pulling out the central line at AGH. My heart has ached for the nurse since that day. Nothing can change what happened. Nothing can take back my sisters stroke. I just feel God comforting us. Showing us His plan. He wasn't through showing His glory. I have thought of all the people my sister has impacted. Even that nurse who had a misfortune that day. You may not agree with me or my families reaction to this. You may not understand why we don't have anger towards her. All I can say and keep saying that through this all we have only survived and grown stronger because our foundation is firmly planted on our Savior Jesus Christ our Lord.

God created ALL. He causes ALL.

"I form the light and create darkness,

   I bring prosperity and create disaster;

   I, the LORD, do all these things."

Isaiah 45:7

 "In him we were also chosen,

 having been predestined according to the plan

 of him who works out everything 

in conformity with the purpose of his will..."

Ephesians 1:11

 This is a very hard concept to grasp. I don't believe that anything happens by CHANCE.  There is a reason for everything. I feel sometimes that life's tragedies or disasters that strike, seeing positives can be a struggle. I have questioned and questioned these past weeks. My heart has sunk more than once, but knowing God is in control I just have to stretch my arms out to Him for His comfort. I know the Creator of this Universe. I know my Saviors Attributes. He has given me His WORD the Bible. I have to go by His biblical truths for answers and comfort. Going by God's truth has really given my family a peace about this. Again, only through Him are we still standing. Only through Him have we been blessed with seeing a...

"Miracle Girl!"




Memory Monday!