Secrets of True Love: Part 3

***Before reading this 3rd chapter make sure you have read part 1 & 2

 (under label, "Secrets of True Love)***

Chapter Three


                                     Through Prayer"

The entire car ride consisted of listing to music and an occasional conversation.  I think we both knew what the other was thinking.  Of course I was thinking, "Come on, ask me out!" you see, we had been hanging out a lot lately and our friendship had been deepening.  I knew he was going to ask me out because we had talked about it on-line, though he said, "A true man won't ask a girl out on-line."  I thought that was cute. His parents had definitely raised a gentleman.

At last we pulled into the parking lot.  The engine shut off, the lights dimmed and I began to open the door. "Wait!" were the words I heard. Slowly pulling my leg back in the car and shutting the door I turned me head back to see him holding a single wrapped rose and a tiny envelope. "This is for you," he said. My heart began to race. I took the rose and the envelope. I couldn't wait to read what was on the card.

Hey Candice,

As you read this, keep in mind that I am very nervous!  I would like to thank you for being such a great friend.  Over the past few months, I have been searching for a girlfriend that I know that God, as well as I, would be happy with.  I have come close to having a girlfriend, but I always pray and ask God to show me whether or not they were the right one for me to get together with.  All of those times, God has shut the door on potential relationships.  Then I prayed about you...and instead of another door being shut, He has opened it wide.  Before I came to your house tonight, I prayed again that God would shut the door if it was not His Will, but now that you are reading this,  I can be assured that you are the one that I am supposed to be with.  If God would have told me "No," then I wouldn't have gone through with this...when done reading this, tell me.

(I have something to ask you).

At that moment my heart was pounding, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I couldn't believe it.  I was so excited.  Even though I knew he was going to ask me out that night I was so excited I wanted to shout it out to the whole world.  He leaned over and gave me a hug before the two of us ventured into the concert where I couldn't stop from smiling.  That was the start of a new relationship and a wonderful one at that.

To be Wednesday!!!




A Prayer