Kramer Life

Thanks everyone for being patient while I take time off from the blog world. I originally thought 1 week would be enough and now I'm entering week 3! :) I promise to be back on but life has been so crazy right now. I'm sure life won't ever not be crazy, but my time right now has been pulled in several different directions.

Dennis and I are in the mist of planning next year's curriculum for Brooklyn. She will be in first grade and pretty much math is the one subject we know exactly what we will be using. Lots of research goes into exactly what we feel will be the best choice curriculum for not only Brooklyn but our family. Every family is different so what might work great for one might not be for the next. I have been given so many references on material, but also have been reading and researching on my own. I would have to say that my free time has been occupied a lot by material research and also planning out our school schedule for next year.

Other things that have been taking up time well....I'm pregnant so my energy level is at it's low right now. It's amazing how weak and tired I have been feeling. I have also felt a little sick in the late evening so accomplishing much when the kids go down hasn't happened. I'm thankful though that it hasn't been to bad.

Dennis has been hard at working on our goat fence. He and another guy from our church have been working on it and it's almost complete!!!! YEAH!!!!! I'm so excited for the goats to have freedom.

Dennis started softball last Monday and now plays every monday I believe through July and some August. He also is involved with G.E.T (Global Expansion Team) at our church. They have meetings at our church once a month to discuss missions in our church. He is also now a Deacon in our church and this month he is the one that closes the church down on Sundays. We usually don't get out then till 1345 which can make for a long morning for our family of one car, but we usually are one of the lasts to leave anyway so might as well lock down. :)

As if our life isn't busy enough Dennis and I both help in the youth. Dennis leads highschool on Wednesday nights although we are going into our summer schedule so he will get time off. He although now teaches High school twice a month during Sunday Discipleship hour. He is also attending a men's bible study with the Pastor, Youth Pastor, another youth leader and Jeff his brother-in-law. They are going though the book of John right now just as our Pastor is during Sunday mornings. Oh and finally for Dennis' schedule he leads a every other Friday night bon-fire for the High School at our house. This is a time for the youth to be able to really talk about subjects that may be harder during the Wednesday night time.

Yes, our life may be crazy busy. Dennis and I are learning how to organize our time very well. We have been trying to get up at 6am and have coffee and study God's word together in the peace of the morning before the children awake. Surprisingly, our schedule looks crazy busy but we feel that our time with God, each other and our kids has still been really blessed. Although, if Dennis and I could get out on more dates I think we would really love that. :)

I have really seen a change in our life the past 2 years. Focusing our all on our Savior and what He did for us has just brought such happiness in our lives. Our marriage is strong and just continues to grow. Our desire to dig deep in God's Word has increased. We both are on the same page in how God is our number one, then our marriage and then our children. Dennis has also become such a spiritual leader and overall an amazing leader of our home. I thank God not only for the love he has for me, but his amazing love for our Heavenly Father.

Life has been busy! :) my blogging and Dennis' have decreased right now. We plan on getting back soon, but for now other priorities take over. Keep checking in once in awhile and soon we will be back more frequently.


Coming Soon!!!!

