Good Morning Brinley Skye!

Brinley Skye Kramer: 8 lbs 0 Oz. 21 inches. Born in Albany, Oregon at 11:55 PM on Jan 3, 2012

"And He has made from one blood

 every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,

 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.."

God only knew, Brinley Skye, when you were going to be born. We sure didn't. Yesterday morning your mother had scheduled for us to go into the hospital today so that labor could be induced. We were only 4 days shy of your due date of January 7th and we were ready to have this baby out!

But last night your mother came to me explaining that she was going into labor. Your big brother and sisters were asleep in bed when Nana and Papa arrived. Papa stayed home to watch your brother and sisters while the rest of us, including your Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt T rendezvoused at the hospital.

We arrived at about 11 PM and mom was already 8 cm dilated and ready to push! The only thing holding us back was our wonderful doctor getting out of bed and making his way into town to catch you on your way out. :)

Mom was so far along in the labor that she couldn't be prepped to take any pain relief. Your mom is tough but I have never seen her in so much pain before. I felt helpless but knew you were in good hands. When you were born, the placenta was not wanting to come out so mom had to be put to sleep for a little bit so that the doctor could get the placenta out without making mom any more uncomfortable than she already was.

But she eventually made it back to the room and the storm had passed. This morning I woke up to a beautiful scene. The light from the sunrise of a new, clear sky day filled the room and your mom was there holding you peacefully.

From the foundation of this world, God had determined this place, this time, and these circumstances to bring you into this world. You have been born into a family that has loved you unconditionally, before you were even born and had ever done anything good or bad. By the Grace of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, we promise to raise you up to love your Creator with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are confident that the love that has been, and will forever continue to be extended to you will reflect into the lives of everyone that comes across your path. You are here for a mission; a mission of love.




1 week & 1 day old!


Escape From Reason