Coming Back Soon!!!!

I know our lack of posting has maybe some wondering what's up? Dennis and I kind of go back and forth with posting a lot and then having these long stretches of no posts at all. I thought I would give a quick up-date into our lives.

I will be wrapping up tutoring for Classical Conversations at the end of April. I tutor 8 kids around the age of 6-7 on around 7 different subjects, plus Science Experiment and a Fine Arts. This right now is a big time consumer. We only meet once a week for 3 hours but as the saying goes in our community we are having, "Hard Fun!" At this time we aren't sure if I will be a tutor next year or not. Lots of time is needed to go in for preparing and planning for each week's lessons. I LOVE it, but we are praying on a clear direction next year. We do know for sure though that our girls will be apart of CC again and I'm excited because the following year Beckham will get to be apart as well.

Besides CC for me I am also organizing our home more. I have been gutting and cleaning and realizing why do we have so much? If something in our home doesn't have a place then it doesn't belong. We are seeing how much we want to be able to give our time for the Lord and not our material possessions.

I am also super excited about revealing a couple projects I have been working on too that will add nicely to our home and eventually our barn house. I'm making a bookshelf our of a pallet and my most excited project is my Homeschool Wall. Hoping for mid february to have it complete and picture up for everyone to see.

Dennis still gets to work from home 2 days a week which is a big blessing. We love when daddy is able to stay at home, and for the most part the kids do well on leaving him alone. But it's nice when he logs out he is already home. Plus we get to eat 3 meals together instead of only being as a family for dinner.

Brinley turned one last month and I am behind on making her one year video. However, we just finished uploading 22 - 60min mini dv's to our new computer we got. Now we have all our video on our external hard drive which is super easy to access along with all the other video we have taken on other devisees. So hopefully soon I will be able to work on and make her little video! :)

Well, that wraps it up for now. I have so much on my heart and mind that I can't wait to be able to blog about. Most likely in the next couple months we will be able to post more frequently the exciting things God has been revealing to us.

But he said to me, 

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, 

so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9




Brinley turns One!!!!