Ninja Turtles

Each year the thought of Halloween stresses me out. Having four kids with another on the way can make for an expensive day. My kids all love to dress up and thankfully they have both sets of Grandparents within short distance and both have dress up clothes. However, I'm a sucker for themes. I usually have great ideas for costumes and then well...... no time to pull it off. This year though was different. :)

Our kids are really into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Dennis had some growing up and use to watch the show. I only knew about them and played with them at a friends house because we got 3 channels growing up and was heavenly interested in Lego's and MicroMachines that pretty much any other toy didn't cross my mind much. In trying to figure out what the kids would be this year for Halloween I came across a

web site

where a lady made a Ninja Turtle shell that I thought would be perfect and easy to make for my kids. :) I changed it a little but pretty much followed her instructions. I then found grey leggins and white shirts at Wal-mart for all my kids. Couldn't find green and didn't care to drive all over seeing if other stores did. I just bought liquid dye and two different green colors just dyed the cloths myself. I used material from JoAnns for the masks, belts, arm and knee wraps. Then I thought it would be cool to put the letter of each turtle on the shell. I used my silhouette machine to cut out the circle and letters. Then extra colored fabric from their masks to make the Letters on the back of the shell indicating who they were (For those who may get them confused like myself ). Oh and the last thing since we were just going to our church's carnival which was indoors I dyed socks to match. My son though wore his rain boots the whole time so basically dying his socks was pointless but I guess if I didn't he probably would have not worn rain boots! ;)

That was it! Super easy. Next year it might be back to grandparents house to pick from their stash!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

{ Heroes in a half shell }



