Birthday Week!

Can you believe I now have three kids that have to use both of their hands to show how old they are? Mr. Beckham turned 6 on Tuesday and Brooklyn turns double digits, the big one zero on Saturday and they both don't stop amazing me.

Beckham, your heart shines big. I have said this before, but you are a natural leader. You are a magnet with such a strong force that any kid in a large radius of you just lights up given the opportunity to play with you. 

This year God drew Himself upon you and stirred your heart. The boldness you took in committing your life to Him was steps of faith I can see growing deeper. Your dad and I gave you your first big bible and you have been so proud to show others and carry it with you. The other day I was so excited that you are getting so much closer to reading. I was explaining how awesome it was to be able to read and what a whole new world of adventure takes place. Pirates, treasure, and more await you once reading happens. You proudly looked up at me and said, "Then I can read the Bible!" Yes, son, the bible will open up your heart and mind more than I can ever express. What pure joy to see you loving and having faith in only something that our Savior and Creator can give us. Happy 6th birthday my son. We love you so much!

Dearest Brooklyn, It was just yesterday I'm sure of it that I looked into your eyes for the very first time and knew being a parent was one of the best moments in life. I am seeing God work in you in amazing ways. The kindness you have towards your siblings and caring for them is one of a kind. It's not always easy, but I can see you taking initiative, having compassion, and overall striving to put others first. 

Your heart for the Lord blows me away. I love how you enjoy being apart of bible study with the College on Sunday evenings in our home. I love how you will grab your bible and join Papa, Daddy and I in a theological topic on Wednesday nights. How I will find you upstairs reading your devotional, or reading the littles bible stories. You having a caring heart when you see your mom having an overloaded, emotional day puts a hug smile on my face. I'm praying to be an example for you in actions and words, but most importantly in the truths of God's Word. 

These ten years have been an amazing blessing for your father and I. You aren't the only one growing! We love you so much and are so thankful you are our child. Happy 10th Birthday Brooklyn!!!


Brinley's Four


Sneak Peak! Christmas Advent