
The joys of getting outside brings such wonder and discovery to our souls. We couldn’t pass up extra outdoor hikes when the weather kept bringing us beautiful dry sunny days.

since my kids were little I don’t normally take school pictures but I love taking their birthday pictures. Each kid is different. I have a few that love being in front of the camera and a couple that are so sweet to let their mom snap a few pictures of them. My favorite is capturing moments. Seeing them the way they just are. These are the moments I love looking back on.

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October was amazing weather and I loaded up the kids and drove about 5 min away to a hiking trail. No one else for miles but just my kids and I exploring a trail we hadn’t all been on before. It was beautiful and full of so many different kinds of trees, bushes, plant life and bugs. We also had packed a lunch to enjoy on our walk. I have this beautiful image in my mind of us eating next to the river with our red picnic basket, but since it hadn’t rained for so long we hardly saw the water and so we set up our picnic under some pine trees which are my least favorite trees but the kids didn’t mind. They were enjoying the adventure, the path they were discovering. I try to as a mom to sit back and embrace moments of just soaking up my kids because I know they can’t stay little forever.


My Son turned nine back in November. His determination takes him far and his compassion takes him deeper. He leads head first with all his heart. My son has taught me so much and is one of a small handful who stole a piece of my heart. You are an incredible little man and I’m so thankful I get to call you my son.


My oldest turned 13 back in November as well. Her birthday falls 4 days after her brothers. I am so proud of the woman she is becoming. Her love for the Lord deepens daily and this brings me more joy than anything else. She has such a heart for little ones and I’m so thankful she does since she has four younger siblings. Her love language is gifts and she is constantly making little cards, necklaces, bracelets, and more more to give others. I can see in her heart the joy she has when others receive her gifts. I am one blessed mom to call her my daughter. Her kindness and love towards others will move mountains. I am excited to see what God has for her path and I love walking life we her. So thankful she is my daughter.


Europe 2019


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