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As I am preparing for our school year I am looking back through the years and reflecting on the challenges and fears I have faced but wanting to pass on the comfort and peace I have gained.

A little back story….My husband and I started this blog back in 2008/ 2009. Since then we have had times of blogging quite often to then experiencing long droughts. Recently, we have been longing to dive back in with a desire to share our hearts and thoughts on so many topics that are dear to us.

Homeschool mommas….I have been homeschooling for over 10 years now. I don’t have it all together. Things have sure changed since day one. I read Cathy Duffy’s Book 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum and knew I fell into Charlotte Mason, Classical, and Eclectic style but not much was out there for me to read and discover that fit who I was as in individual and what fit for my kids. In the past couple years the homeschool community has really taken off in so many new refreshing ways. I plan soon on writing about my top finds that might encourage and challenge you to keep searching for ways that work for your family. The uniqueness of God’s design is amazing when seeing how families can thrive outside the worlds traditional molds.

Remember when days turn into weeks or even months of feeling like you are sinking remember to PAUSE….Step back and revisit your heart in this journey. Taking time to be alone to think can be renewing for your soul. Begin by PRAYING…. asking God to give you strength to guide these little humans He so preciously entrusted you with. Include your children in praying for their mommy. I often times will ask for my kids, “ Please pray for Mommy’s patience and for my heart.” When my kids see that Mommy is striving too on what she is also asking them to do I feel their souls open more. They are seeing I can’t do this job on my own but with God’s strength He helps carry me through.

Focusing….on the season God has placed you in isn’t always easy. We begin having doubts creep in which is Satan’s way of bringing us down. He can’t have us if we are children of God’s but he can distract us. I am reminded of C.S. Lewis’ quote from his book Screwtape Letters, “It’s funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.” Wow, that strikes me hard as I want my focus to stay on God’s truths and His direction for the season He has placed my family in. Keeping your Focus on Him and that this is His calling for you brings me to my last thought on Communication…It goes along with keeping these all in check. Communicating your heart first and foremost to your spouse is so important. Communicating your heart to others who are in this same season is beyond helpful too.

I went through a season of depression and that’s not what I would have identified it at first. When I finally opened up to my husband about my struggles and didn’t bottle it in because I thought I could handle it myself it made a big difference. I had someone now who could pray for me and my specific struggles. I began opening up even more to family and close friends and I realized my hormones were off and finding natural ways to help made such a difference. I had fears of failure, doubts about the future and the list went on but communicating my struggles directed me to helping my hormone imbalance. I realized as a Mom the pressure I was putting on myself and carrying around with me. I needed to open up and let go.

I write all this because whether you already started your new school year with your kids or are about too I want to encourage you. Pausing, Praying, Focusing and Communicating are just a few small ways that made big difference in my life. Satan wants to do all he can to keep the water flowing up and over your head while you are trying to swim. God has given you a life vest in His word to help you stay above the water….remember….keep it on and joy will fill you up in this season God has brought you in.


Europe Trip Part 5 of 5


Europe Trip Part 4 of 5