
Today Brooklyn enjoyed her very first day of Preschool! She got my old desk when I was a kid to make it more like school. We started out with prayer, a weekly bible verse, weekly letter Aa and what sound A makes. She does a great job on writing the letter A. We then learned and read a book on Armadillos. Worked on a colors, and shapes which she has down pretty good already. After that we had snack time than she got to color a picture that showed day 5 in God's creation while I read and told her about the first week of God's creation. I really think she had a great time today. Especially finishing with a craft. We made a September calendar to help her start learning the days, weeks and months. It was a great start to home school. A couple times I had to remind her I was her teacher. She really likes to do everything herself and can get a little frustrated if she doesn't feel she gets it right away. "Practice, Practice, Practice" was the reminder. Overall the morning was a success.

Bailey on the other hand enjoyed trying to get into all the stuff that was for Brooklyn. She is a very busy lady. Finally it was close to her nap as I looked over and she was starting to zone out!