Bailey Boo!!


No, we don't just add the boo behind Bailey's name during this time of year. We have called her Bailey boo since....well......since her beginning. What a precious little girl God has given us! If you are blessed to get to spend time around this sweet little girl you will see what joy she brings us each day. People's first impression of her is that she is very quiet, but I think she surprises them with how much she can say and do. She has been our adventures girl from the start. Not afraid of much!

The other night we asked the girls what they were thankful for at bedtime. Bailey responded, "For Jesus." How cute to start seeing what Dennis and I strive to teach in our house, about our Savior, begin to show in our children.

Today, I found Bailey in her bedroom after I turned on her Monkey CD laying on her bed just chilling and listening to her music. Usually, I find her dancing around the room or on her bed, but tonight she was just taking it all in and I couldn't resist take a picture.


Now, for a funny saying from Bailey today. Let me explain. Bailey is pretty much in underwear now. She does great during naps, and she does pretty good during the night. Accidents are very few now. We were sitting on the couch and she was sitting on the floor when she suddenly looks up at me and says, "Mommy, my turds are getting closer!" I instantly jumped up and we rushed to the bathroom. So proud of my little girl for letting us know she was producing turds. Even if that's how she tells us. :) It's just a small part of her personality that I wouldn't change for the world. She is my little Bailey Boo!!!!!


Lead Me


He did it again!!!