Joys of Homeschooling!!!

"Never let your schooling interrupt your education!"

Part of Dennis and my philosophy on schooling isn't that our children need to be stuck doing book work for the amount of time society says for their age. Or even for that matter stuck doing "school" for an amount of time only during 5 days a week and 180+ days a year. Does this really teach them? Well, yes and no! but again, we have been realizing what works best for OUR family. Key word their OUR! yup, what works for one family may or may not for another. Is one way better than the other?  Not necessarily. For us though our main goal is educating our children in the Lord. Along the way we educate them in all different areas while applying their lessons for the glorification of our Savior. 

It's sweet seeing Bailey and even Beckham get in on lessons. Sometimes our lessons include bookwork, while other lessons are hands on, (This week Brooklyn made Applesauce, Cinnamon Coffee Cake for a lesson. Learning abrivations, halfs, quarters etc. Then we all got to enjoy the finishing work). Most lessons are worked on 24/7. Yup, that's right we do beyond school year round and every second of the day. Learning how to deal in situations. Learning to read scripture verses. Learning how to care and treat others. Taking the time to sit down and teach when the situation arrises. Giving an example of correct choices in wrong situations. This one I really like because I think if a child is prepared when entering the world (giving situations and scenarios) they will have a stronger desire and knowledge to do whats correct. 

What a joy to see Brooklyn already teaching her sister and brother things. What a joy to see God teaching us through His word and through His creation. We all as a family enjoy "school."



