Sunrise Sunday!!!

I couldn't believe it! This past 24hrs had been such a whirlwind of events. My mind kept drifting back to everything that had happened that had taken me to this very moment. The unknown hustle and bustle of children. The packing of the bags that weren't done by my own two hands. The check list of necessities. The check list of none necessities. And the list goes on, but wait...what list? This list was not of my doing. These past 24hrs were not brought on by me. My auburn hair softly swayed on my back while I inhaled the fresh passing breeze. My naked feet dug deeper in the warm sand to fine the feet that had done all this for me.  I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his! In this moment I could think of no place better. 

The walls echoes with a child's voice shouting, "Mommy?....when do we get our chocolate milk?"  My eyes quickly opened. I was in bed, and back in my own room. My lungs opened up desperately waiting for fresh sea breeze to fill them, disappointedly filled with lingering dirty diaper as my little one smiled from his bed.  I pulled the covers off and stepped onto the cold wood floor. Quickly grabbing for my robe and slippers I headed to the kitchen to begin the morning chocolate milk ritual. While pouring the milks I paused for a slight moment. Warm sand beaches on an island would be great, but pouring my children's chocolate milk I knew was part of my reality and I decided to embrace it and give my best today. The beaches and islands will still be there for me someday, but right now my little ones were my importance. To see their smiles and hear their laughters were where I was needed! I quickly finished getting everyone's milk and headed back to my warm bed. I wrapped my arms around my man and closed my eyes. A soft prayer could be heard that morning, "Dear God, please take me back to my dream for just a little longer though! Amen."

****Because of such a crazy week and weekend please come back


to check out "Sunrise Sunday!" Post!!! Well, of course it won't be Sunday anymore but maybe for this week it can be called

"Memory Monday!"


Have a great rest of the weekend!!!


Memory Monday!


Order by Means of Philosophy