Sunrise Sunday!!!

This past week my family had many highs and lows emotionally!!! My sister came close to going home to be with her heavenly Father. I am so thankfully that God has more plans for her and spared her life.

This week I have felt an overwhelming embrace from my Savior. I can't describe the peace I've had. Yes, my emotions were there for not wanting to lose my sister. I felt the pain thinking of her not being there to give her boys hugs before bed or read them stories about great adventures and far away lands. I felt the pain of thinking the possibility of Jeff not having his bride's embrace as they close their eyes in bed and drift to sleep. This is something that is painful and hard to think of. Through this all I felt a peace. A peace of knowing whatever outcome Jesus my Lord and Savior would be there.

"For to me, 

to live is Christ 

and to die is gain."

Phillipians 1:21

This is what we need to live for! Living our whole life for Christ. I thank God that His plan was to spare my sister's life. His plan was to send my sister through this all to show His Glory and what an awesome witness she is for it!  God has a plan and a road He sends everyone down. Everything for His Glory! 

What an Almighty, Omniscience, Sovereign,  and Powerful God my family serves. My God is in control of ALL! 

I can not even come close to describing to you in my writing the way I feel about my Savior. To know that I am in His plan and that He is using myself, my sister, my family all to show His Glory just is beyond my excitement. What a peace this gives me!!! What a peace He gave me through this tough week. What a peace He gave my family.

The waiting room that was closest to the ICC area we all would migrate into there. It was nice when my little ones came along because I could just close the door and Mr. Beckham couldn't get out. Also, we were very close to my sister's room and something about this made, I know at least me and I'm sure several other people, just feel better.

Brooklyn, Bailey and my nephews thought it was fun to always stand in the corners of the elevator while riding it up and down! Not much puts smiles on children's faces. 

With the craziness of life lately I have really noticed Mr. Beckham just feeling restless. Our somewhat routine has been jolted and he senses my anxiety, stress, and my restlessness. The other morning he just got out of the shower with his daddy. I had gotten him dressed and ready to have us all head down to the hospital. Before leaving I was putting clothes away in the girls room and he crawled up on Bailey's bed and next thing I knew he was fast asleep. What a cute little man we have! 

Over a week ago, Dennis e-mailed me a place the he booked over at the coast for us to get away for a night together as a couple. Life has just been beyond crazy, hectic and well the list goes on. We really needed time to get away and just recharge! Then with what happened to my sister on Tuesday the time away seemed like we would have to reschedule. We hadn't canceled yet and with the amazing progress she made on Thursday we felt we still needed to go. We only went for Friday night and got back to the hospital early afternoon on Saturday. 

I am so blessed to have such a godly husband. Such a leader and an example of Christ just pours out of him. What a comfort he was to me this week, and the past weeks. We both hadn't gotten to actually get away for awhile. We have had a night without the kids but when you stay at home I know for myself I look around the house and try to take that time to clean it knowing it might stay clean longer than 5 min. Getting away we were able to just have some great quality time together. Uninterrupted conversation was also nice. Refreshing and uplifting 24hrs!!

I pray for a blessed week for all!!!


Sunrise Sunday!!!


Staying Strong!


My Sister and I