My Sister and I

"My God is so big! 

so strong and so mighty

 there is


my God cannot do!"

Writing for me is so therapeutic. I LOVE however, reading what Dennis (He'll join us back on the blog soon) writes because we both have a different writing style but we both have the same heart, passion and desire to share our faith and love for our Almighty Savior. 

The past couple months have been a wild ride for all of us. We have felt moments of breaks coming in the chaos and then we are hit from behind again. NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING will break us from our Savior Jesus Christ or the family bond that we have through our Savior Lord!

Last night I finally left the hospital around 10pm and after tucking the girls in bed and attempting to get my little fussy Mr. Beckham asleep I finally crawled into bed. By this time it was just after 11 and within 5min of laying their I received a txt from my mom. 

Jeff, and my dad had gone home to try to sleep for a moment. We have kept someone around the clock with my sister and so since my mom and our great friend Dick are night people the have done a lot of the night shifts along with Jeff who since about Tuesday has only gotten roughly 3hrs of sleep. So he had gone home planning to come back around 2 am.

I evaluated the txt regarding my sister and her BP dropping and her heart rate increasing. Then that the doctors were giving her 4 units of blood because she was loosing blood somewhere internally. I felt along with Dennis that I needed to be their for my parents, my sister and Jeff. Shortly after 12 I made my way back down to the hospital.

Dick had been holding her hand when her vitals went from stable to none stable. This is when they rushed tests and discovered she had sprung a leak inside somewhere. Jeff was back to the hospital in a flash and thankfully they live just a few blocks from the hospital.

The doctors and nurses rushed her for a CT scan to check things out. The CT results discovered that she had blood around her stomach. We knew something was wrong in that area because her stomach was ballooning up and hardening. Surgery was the plan of attack. They had taken her off her heparin (blood thinners) and given her stuff to make any heparin that was left not be effective. No doctors want to operate on a person taking blood thinners. They quickly prepped her and at 3:30 in the morning they did  a surgery to evaluate the bleeding and drain it out. 

Overall, she received about 7 units of blood. They sucked out about 2 liters of fluid that was around the stomach. They didn't discover where the bleeding was coming from so that is still the concern now but she had stopped bleeding so that's a big positive. 

After a night like that and little to no sleep she looks AMAZING!!!!! Tears of joy have overflowed for many many people. Her tube down her throat was removed and less and less sedatives were given. She has quietly and slowly began chatting with us. Very weak, but such amazing turn around. 

The outcome we all have been praying for! I have felt such comfort through knowing and just having faith in our Savior that it was all in His plan. We want her with us! We are only comforted with knowing it's all in God's will and He will see His children through.

Dear Tiff,

My sister, and my sister in Christ! 

He chose us as sisters before the world was formed.

 God directed you in helping me accept Christ as my personal Savior. 

You are not only beautiful on the outside but your heart shines beyond beauty in the inside. 

You encouraged me growing up.

You listen and help me in my future. 

A part of you feels like a part of me.

Our hearts share a common, unbreakable bond with our Father in Heaven.

You will forever and always be my sister.

Through bumps and bruises we are their for each other. 

Thank you! Thank you for your unconditional love for me.

Thank you for helping be a part of who I am today.

Thank you for understanding God's call when we may have doubted.

We thank you for being the one two little lives you got to touch.

Thank you for showing God's Glory.

Tiff, going through this moment has not been easy. You whispered in my ear tonight exactly what I've been thinking, "How could we have gone through this without knowing who our Savior is?" 

Our tears are broke free and placed in God's hands. What a comfort our Savior is. What a blessing you have been. I love you with all my heart. I look at my two beautiful girls and as I raise them they are getting to see how sisters can be. 

"Yes, we're two of a kind,

 and I know that is why

 we'll be close forever, My sister and I."

P.K. Hallinan


Sunrise Sunday!!!


His Comfort!