Sunrise Sunday!!! Mother's Day!

As I held my oldest in my arms for the first time and saw her looking back at me I knew being a mother was one of the best things in life. I feel blessed to be able to be the mom I am today because of such a supportive husband. Our eyes are on our Father in Heaven who every day gives us strength to guide and raise our kids up for the Lord.

Mom's are very special people. Mom's know just the right words at the right time. They comfort, they hold, they embrace with such gentleness and love. My mom was my security when I was little. When I was sick she never hesitated to wrap her arms around me and kiss me praying I would get better. She listened to my silly, sad, crazy, weird, and joyous stories. I always knew my mom would be there for me in a heart beat. What amazing qualities. What an amazing mom. She is my guide in how I want to raise my children. She was especially designed to be my mom! I love my mom up to the moon and as big as the sky!

Enjoy this day for mothers. Most importantly enjoy everyday we have with our mothers and being a mom! 


Random pictures! 

Happy Mothers Day and Happy Sunrise Sunday!!

~Love the Kramers


Secrets of True Love: Part 6


Legacy Letter: Blessing