School Pictures


had a friend come over the other day with her new camera she just got. She is just learning about her camera and took a few of my kids and then was so gracious and let me borrow it so I could as well take some. Beckham fell asleep about 5 min before we were going to start so didn't get any cute smiles from him. :( Also, when he was just starting to smile the camera died. Oh well!!! I'm hoping a new camera is in my future because I LOVE capturing moments. 

Since we Home school I am trying to take a "school" picture each year of the kids. I thought it would be cute to set up their desk outside, but the pictures had a shadow in the background so I didn't end up using them. Next year maybe we will try again. My goal is to order a few of the kids and send them to family, but I'm incredible slow on a few things so it might happen next week or in 6 months! :) 

Beautiful sisters!!!

Brooklyn almost 7 and in the 2nd grade

Bailey 4.5 years old in pre-k / k

Beckham almost 3

Brinley 9 months old!

Kramer kids!

"Children are a heritage from the 



offspring a reward from him.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior

are children born in one’s youth.

Blessed is the man

whose quiver is full of them..."

Psalm 127:3-5




Sunrise Sunday!