Uncle Dick

Uncle Dicks celebration service was Monday at our church. Again, one of the hardest days I've ever experienced, but I believe God's glory shinned so bright yesterday.

My dad led the service and he did an amazing job. God gave him such strength to be able to lead a service for his best friend. Besides my mom Dick was my dads best friend. He mentor and challenged my dad when he first was saved and made him a better man because of the light of God that was so evident in Dick. When you truly can find a friend that is so excited, eager, and passionate about God's word its rare. Also, one who has so much time for others because he wanted to see you truly realize the sovereignty of our Saviour, that is an amazing man!

Yesterday, I read what God placed on my heart the first night we laid in bed not able to sleep knowing our beloved brother, friend and uncle was no longer here with us. For those who were not able to make it I thought I would share what I wrote:

Omnipotent: Meaning - All powerful

Omniscient: Meaning - Having complete or unlimited knowledge

From a very young age I learned these amazing words. 25 years ago at the age of 5, I met my “Adopted Uncle” a man who would play cards with when me I was sick, who never missed a basketball game of mine, who was there when I got married, who loved seeing my stomach move and feel a little life growing inside me. He was a man who encouraged me and loved chatting scripture and seeing how God was deepening my desire to know Him.

I have been spoiled, but truly blessed. I loved calling him up to see if he just wanted to hang out or ride with me on errands so I didn’t have to cart all 4 kids into a store, but more then anything I was blessed by him always being there to listen and chat the bible. His boldness I desire. His passion for God’s truths were like none other. God blessed my family with a todays Paul.

He knew my heart and my desire for the Lord. Dennis and I would sit up with him many evenings sharing how God has been revealing to us our path. Excited, because the past year major doors have been opening and he was one of the first to hear our overwhelming amazement and what our Saviour is doing.

Omnipotent- again a word hard to grasp. A word that we can’t fully understand. But hanging onto it helps me get through this world we live in. Knowing I have peace because my Savior created it ALL. The good….the bad…..and the ugly.

We lost an amazing, godly man, that no words are great enough to describe.

Romans 8:26-28

“In the same way the spirit also helps our weakness: For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

My favorite scripture that before time God had picked out to place on my heart this past year is, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “ Rejoice Always; pray without ceasing, but in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Dick loved how I put this up in the hallway of our house. How we had turned his house into a home he had wanted it to be. A home to share God’s word in, to study Gods word in and to be submerged in Gods word.

The verse of the day from biblegateway.com on my birthday the day before his passing was that verse (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). My favorite verse. This alone was an amazing birthday gift from God. His words saying rejoice Always…. Not rejoice during good times only, but rejoice always!!!! Gods word in times when i'm at complete loss for words brings me a peace that surpasses all understanding.

I fully won’t understand God’s reasoning for taking home my uncle so soon. He will be missed deeply as us still here on earth won’t get to see his smiling face, hear his laugh, share with him our hearts desire, but heaven is rejoicing because a man after God’s heart is now in their presents. They are getting to enjoy a man who truly seeked God!

I will never forget these past 25 years. I am truly rejoicing that you are in the presents of our Creator. The one whom before time hand picked you and created you specifically for His glory. What an amazing privilege it has been to know you. You will be greatly missed but a overwhelming peace knowing we will meet again comforts me. I pray God uses me in a mighty way for His kingdom like he used you. You are now with our Omnipotent and Omniscient Savior... how awesome is that!!!!

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5

****Please go watch the video I made in honor of my "Adopted" Uncle Dick!!!****


Sunrise Sunday!!!


Loving Memory!