Homemade Fun with my Kids

So recently I made a new board on Pinterest called, "Homemade fun with my kids." Basically, its collections of fun things as a family we can do. I LOVE making homemade things. Anyone, who really knows me or even steps foot in our home could take one quick look and see that a lot of things our hand made. I love anything from sewing, wood working, crochet, home decor and well the list goes on. I think it would be fun to really try to include the kids in more things and spark their interest that we should never be bored. I want our home to be filled with music, crafts, books, maps etc. A home you could spend hours in each room just soaking up all the knowledge it has to offer.

I came across a fun blog that had Penguin footprint art. I knew right away that what kid would not want to step in paint? lol So that's what we did. Each kid made a footprint and after they dried they got to finish painting them. However, they didn't turn out like the original picture and all the kids toe prints pretty much got covered (Brooklyn just painted toes back on). I loved seeing their way of making this Christmas penguin. Overall this project was a hit!!!

Snack and paint!! perfect combo!