Sunrise Sunday!!!
"O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago."
Isaiah 25:1
What a beautiful weekend so far we have had. Yes, I know it has rained, but I LOVE rain plus the sun came out as well.
Not much blogging was accomplished this week. Life for us have been crazy busy the past few weeks, but we plan to get back to more frequent blogging very soon.
The start of our week we went over to Dennis' parents for dinner. The girls were so excited because "Lil" their dog had become a mommy to three little ones. Brooklyn took to holding and loving on them immediately. Bailey and Beckham loved them too but Brooklyn just wanted to spend all of her time caring and loving on them.

I never can pass up taking pictures of my children sleeping. Mr. Beckham was being fussy the other day and I laid him on the couch and stepped away for a moment to finish up a few things. Usually he would start to cry again if he was fussy in the first place. He then would crawl off and search for me all while crying. I realized he was not doing this and went to go check on him. He laid fast asleep so peaceful looking. What a special little guy we have.

So far awhile now and for a school activity Brooklyn has learned how to play UNO. She loves the game and now Bailey is learning how to play as well. It's cute to watch them play and it's fun for Dennis and I to actually play a card game with them and something beyond chutes and ladders. We sometimes have to break up some fighting with who's going to win but that's all in teaching little ones good sportsmanship and we can't always win.

All of our kids love looking out the windows. They sit, stand, crawl you name it on the tiny ledge of the window. Caught Bailey just chilling the other day. Pretty cute!!!

Finally, to finish off the week and weekend I decided to do some upcycling! I had this Brunt orange tunic dress that I have enjoyed but got bored of it. I decided I would give it a lift. I first decided I would dye it dark green. So I did that but got pulled away from stirring it and it came out light in some places. I then stripped the color and I actually fell in love with it. I then designed my own trees and well, now I have my own designed tunic. I still haven't decided if I will add some small blue flowers or maybe do some more branches, but for now I will wear it this way! I think adding accessories will make it look really good. I'm waiting to find a perfect necklace then I think my outfit will be complete. Anyway, it was lots of fun and one of a kind! :)
Here is a close up when I was finished with the front!

Sorta hard to tell from the pictures! I don't have a great camera but hopefully you get some idea! Also, it wasn't planned but the color tuned out a lot like my kitchen walls which I LOVE! :)

Happy Sunrise Sunday!!!!!!