His Comfort!

"Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

1 Peter 5:7


Lord you are our strength! You care so much for me! you care so much for my sister! You care so much for my family that you choose us to take this on ,and what a blessing that you love us so much. That you love ALL of your children.  

Through this and everything that happens what we can hang onto is that it's ALL for your glory!!! 

I know a little piece of God's plan for my sister! 

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time 

are not worthy to be compared

 with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

Romans 8:18

What a comfort to hang onto. Knowing our life is so short and what God has in our plan and our life is all for His glorification and it is nothing compared to what He has planned for our eternity!

Christ has given my family the strength through all of this. The diagnosis yesterday was not good. 

My sister came over on Monday to hang out and get some new scenery from her house. I made her lunch and we just enjoyed each other's company. I asked how her pain was and she said the pain was worse in the morning due to the length at night of not taking anything, but doing better. She had mentioned some shortness of breath but she look AMAZINGLY well for all that she had gone through. Jeff said she mentioned it again the following morning and they decided to take her in. She insisted on taking a shower first and Jeff finally said fine. Right after the shower she got more shortness of breath and while Jeff was getting them ready to load up she laid herself on the kitchen floor. This is when she had her first seizure. 

My heart goes out to her boys. My nephews have gone through a lot. Keep them and Jeff in your prayers. To have little ones see a parent go through something like Tiff has gone through and is going through really is hard and sometimes they can't express or know how to express their feelings. 

She had another seizure when the paramedics showed up! Jeff felt he knew what was going on and relayed it to the paramedics. They instantly loaded her up which is such a blessing from God that they didn't try to over ride what he was saying because it really helped the timing when she coded at the hospital and not at home. 

She ended up having a Pulmonary Embolism on her lung. It is now gone and she has a few smaller ones but I believe they aren't so worried about those. She is on Heparin to thin her blood. This she may be on at least 6 months, or possibly forever. She still is battling with a fever and an infection that they are trying to figure out where it is coming from, although her white count is coming down so that's a positive. Her gallbladder was an issue for awhile but after checking it out they seem to feel it's alright to stay. Surgery isn't really an option right now because of the blood thinner. A threat of pneumonia is a possibility but really right now it's just a waiting game. Every moment that goes by and she is stabilized even more is such a good thing. She still is in lots of pain which can be from a lot of different things, but we see improvement from yesterday morning and this alone is encouraging! 

I think of Job from the Bible. God allowed Satan to test Job! This was all in God's plan. What an honor to know God loves me so much even during times of questioning I know it's all in God's hand and His plan. I live my life for a Sovereign God that I can't even fathom His almighty power. How He first loved me. 

"We love, because He first loved us." 

1 John 4:19

My prayer is for my sister to stay on this earth awhile longer not only for me, but mainly for her husband and two boys. I know it's all in God's will not mine but I do know that I serve an almighty God and He can do anything! This is the path He is sending us down. My heart aches at the possibility of an outcome I hope to not see. But I hang onto God's Sovereignty and that this is for His Glory!

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God,  to those who are called according to His purpose."

Romans 8:28

"also we 

have obtained an inheritance, having been 


according to His purpose who works all things 

after the counsel of His will."

Ephesians 1:11

****Make sure to turn off my music at the bottom of this page before starting the video!!! Hit the pause button on the small video at the bottom****

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzYRUPiIvUE]


My Sister and I


Sunrise Sunday!!!